Written by Pharm. Peter Gbuchie

High blood pressure which can also be called hypertension is an important health issue we all need to pay attention to, which includes everyone. It is encouraged for people to know their pressure numbers as early diagnosis is important in hypertension management to prevent complications.

Hypertension is a silent killer because in the early stage of the disease the patient does not feel any discomfort unlike diseases like malaria which usually presents with fever, headache, nausea and vomiting.

Bringing it down to the level of a lay man to understand this concept, imagine you connecting a pipe to a tank to let water flow into a bucket, for water to flow through the pipe a pumping machine will be introduced, now looking at this scenario you can liken the pumping machine to your heart, while the pipe are your blood vessels, then the water flowing through is the blood. You will agree with me that if the pumping machine pumps water with a high pressure, overtime the pipe will get weakened and this damage done to the pipe will make the water flow ineffective. If you understand it this way, you will appreciate the need to monitor your blood pressure and have it controlled if it is not normal.

The heart is always working round the clock the clock to pump blood which contains vital nutrients which are vital to for the sustenance of the tissues and organs of the human body.

As a pharmacist, I have conducted blood pressure checks for variety of patients and counselled them adequately, it is necessary to visit the nearest health care facility or pharmacy in your community to help evaluate your blood pressure with the assistance of a health care professional.

With the advancement of technology, blood pressure can be checked in the comfort of your home with the use of electronic manometers, this machine gives a good interpretation of the blood pressure.

There are two blood pressure readings to be evaluated, the systolic press noure and diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure is simply the pressure of the heart when the left ventricles contract to eject blood to the largest artery, after which the ventricles relax for a short while in which blood flows into them from the auricles, during this relaxation period, the pressure is called diastolic pressure. It is important to know these terms and be familiar with them.

After your blood pressure check, you will get a reading like this for example 120/80mmHg, which is the preferred blood pressure value, what this means is that your systolic blood pressure is 120mmHg while your diastolic blood pressure is 80mmHg.

However, it is important to state these facts seriously in the measurement of blood pressure:

You must rest for a few minutes (5 -10 minutes).

Blood pressure may be taking lying down or siting up.

The arm must be supported and positioned at the level of the heart and both feet placed on the ground, endeavor to urinate if you are pressed.

If one half of the body has been affected by a stroke (paralysis), blood pressure should be taken in the stronger arm.

The cuff size of the sphygmomanometer must be of the desirable size.

Do not have the blood pressure checked if caffeine or alcohol has been taken or tobacco smoked in the last 1 to 2 hours.

If the blood pressure is checked for the first time, it should be measured in both arms after which the arm with a higher reading is used subsequently.

Have the blood pressure checked at least 2 or 3 times, each reading may be taken at interval of few minutes.

Blood pressure classification evolves overtime, nevertheless it is important to state that ‘‘the lower the blood pressure the better’’. That is why you need the guidance of a health care professional to assist you monitor and manage your blood pressure. Noteworthy to state that there are many factors that can cause high blood pressure and you need to be examined properly before you said to be hypertensive.

There are risk factors involved such as: Hereditary, gender, age, stress and personality, excessive weight gain and obesity, high salt diet, tea and coffee, smoking, alcohol abuse, and contraceptives. The catholic church has stood firmly against contraceptives, medically it has lot of side effects such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart attacks and breast cancer.

Steps to prevent Hypertension:

Dietary Changes: Fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Keep weight under control

Reduce salt intake

Reduce stress.

Engage in regular physical exercise.

Increase potassium intake.

Take alcohol only in moderation (however if you don’t take at all, it is preferrable).

With these measures, you can prevent hypertension, however if you are hypertensive, please adhere strictly to your medication regimen and keep up with your clinic appointment for proper management.

Thank You.


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