Written by: Pharm. Peter Gbuchie

This question seems tricky; the answer to it will not be a direct one. Thus people who ask this question may not fully understand what diabetes means but may know a little about it. That is why half knowledge seems dangerous.

So on whether diabetics can eat sugar is an answer that should be given with caution to prevent people from abusing it, it is important to state here that every human being needs sugar to perform his or her normal basic duties, even the diabetics too needs sugars. Sugars should not be seen as something evil or dangerous since it is useful to the body.

It provides the body with energy, do you know that without sugars (glucose) you will be finding it difficult to read this article talk less of comprehending it.

So the right question should be: What type of sugars and how much quantity of it should diabetics take?  It is highly recommended for them to take natural sugars and avoid synthetic ones like the fruit juices and sweeteners and the quantity of it in the diet should be moderate.

So what is diabetes mellitus? It is a group of metabolic diseases whereby a person has high blood glucose due to an inability to metabolize sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin.

From this definition, we can see that diabetes management is one that needs proper dietary management. Having diabetes is not a crime to subject a patient to ‘bitter foods sentence’, they will need the assistance have a dietician to plan their meals which should be prepared deliciously well and nice.

In addition to dietary modifications, they will need to exercise properly under supervision by their health care provider, there is also need to monitor their Body Mass Index (BMI) to avoid obesity, and smoking and alcoholism should be avoided.

There is need for the patient to monitor their blood glucose from time to time to see if it is well controlled, whereby medications like insulin may be included to achieve the required range.

So let me ask you: Can diabetics eat sugar?




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